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About Us

OMNI BRAND is a premium quality faith-based apparel brand. We are a transformative brand. We create apparel that echoes spiritual reflections of evolving into higher, better, expressions of ourselves.


Is a message, a lifestyle, and an opportunity to be ALL we were created and purposed by GOD to be. OMNI BRAND is about a journey that holds within it, a desire to evolve and the possibility to change into a HIGHER, BETTER, EXPRESSION of ourselves! That journey is the core of The OMNI BRAND way, PURSUE and BECOME!

Began on broken pieces. Now I know that’s not the typical way to begin a story, but it’s a story that authentically shows the power to become. Our story began in 2019 with an unemployment check of $254 dollars and a dream. Needless to say, I didn’t know then what I know now and it was an epic fail at trying to accomplish launching a brand that I believed had a purpose to encourage the world, but I needed a JOB! One that I could work with and still build what was in my heart. I searched and searched for months on end, exhausted and depleted but still believing, and one afternoon I received a call from a friend about an in-house job fair that was being held that day and If there is one thing I can say I’ve learned along this journey, it’s that “Success Loves Speed”!! This was my opportunity and so I took that leap of faith and on the spot I was made an offer I dare not refuse! Needless to say, I was so excited to begin working and building again and that’s exactly what we did AND THEN the pandemic hit and I was out of a job AGAIN, but I was determined not to stop, because I understood and learned a valuable truth, that Blessings are often disguised in chaos and THIS time it opened even bigger doors that would give me even greater opportunities and so I kept on LEAPING.On the heels of a pandemic that took so many lives and has left so many scars, I found myself bouncing back from financial, personal, emotional, and even spiritual losses that left me broken. Now many would say that I was on my journey to “RECOVER” some things but God’s plan was for me to actually “DISCOVER” some things! Discover who I really was beyond the external and to truly see the greatness that was stamped on the internal. I believe there is a purpose for every single person that exists and my passion is fueled by that belief. Life has seasons that God has woven into what we call time and as we take our personal journeys in this life, we have opportunities that are gifted to us to become a better us. Not just for ourselves but to also become a light that guides others to the destination of a transformed mind and heart, because broken pieces are where whole things start!

It reveals the beauty that lies within the process of evolving and becoming a higher better expression of ourselves. This inward journey of transformation is what we aim to depict in every piece. We create premium quality apparel that speaks a message to everyone that no matter what you may be experiencing, There is a WIN WITHIN! You have the power to BECOME! GOD IS FOR US ALL & GOD OF ALL.

Ephesians 4:6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.